Salto de Jimenoa II

The monument Natural Salto de Jimenoa II located in Jarabacoa. The land of eternal spring, It is a leap of waters located few kilometers. The town of Jarabacoa, easily accessible by any type of transport, visit this majestic. Natural monument is an adventure that you cannot miss when traveling. The ground where it's always spring, This natural monument. Under the management of the Ministry of environment and resources. Natives of the Dominican Republic, like all Dominican parks. Should be a down payment, upon entering the Park you will walk by path Enriquillo enabled corridor that runs through all the banks of the Jimenoa River. Through a few bridges that provide you access to a spectacular waterfall.

Of 40 meters high, on the way to the waterfall you will find fascinating landscapes and views over the city. Of a nature which is still Virgin, preserved for the enjoyment of present and future generations, to reach the waterfall, you can enjoy the panoramic view. Place, rich bathing in its waters, taking into account that in the area of the waterfall. This allowed the bathroom, then it is possible to swim in any part and take some pictures. Unique of a river that was born in the Central Mountain range and makes all a journey through the mountains until you pass by the surroundings of Jarabacoa, It is an ideal place for scenic tourism, hiking,observation or camping in an area with a BBQ that can accommodate a 15 people and in return asks visitors. A minimum contribution to the maintenance of the Park. The flow of visitors to Jimenoa, Jarabacoa. It is constant throughout the year for attractions and the excellent hospitality of its people will make you feel at home.

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