Church sacred heart of Jesus, MOCA

The sacred heart of Jesus Church, considered to be one of the most beautiful temples in the country, declared as world heritage by the Unesco (1990), and as a Monumental heritage of the Dominican Republic (2006) by the Executive.

Inaugurated in June of the year 1956. Built with the contributions of the citizens of the Espaillat province, as shown by the fe owns this town in Christian beliefs, It is the main temple for the believers of the Catholic religion in this village.

With a height of 110 meters and a romantic style, It was built about seedstocks it's former parishes at the initiative of the Salesian priest Antonio Flores, in the year 1946. The first parish was built the 20 February 1888 by Decree of Msgr. Fernando Arturo de Meriño, to commemorate the anniversary of the election of Pope León XIII.

The High Altar, built in white marble; the altars to María Auxiliadora and San Juan Bosco; the mosaic with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe; the Indian Juan Diego and the recreation of the scene of Christ the Redeemer; they are part of the decoration of this majestic Catholic Church.



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