The Morro de Montecristi, San Fernando de Montecristi

The morro de Montecristi is the main tourist attraction of the Montecristi province and is located north-west of the Republic. This prominent landform which has a height of 242 m is a wonder. Natural that rises as Watcher and guardian of the city which bears the name San Fernando de Montecristi. Founded by Nicolás de Ovando in honor to King Fernando el Católico. This promontory, epaulet from afar when approaching by sea, beaches of Red sandy and a landscape. Rugged and unique like no other on the island, as the National Park has a vegetation. Dry subtropical forest and a wealth and variety of fauna. The Morro de Montecristi, It is without a doubt a place within our prodigious land, listed by many naturalists, amazed at the variety and beauty as a miniature continent.


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